A Few More Sleeps to 2023!

Dear AWB friends and family,

As the African Women on Board team looks back at 2022, it has undoubtedly been a year of great transformation and growth… 

From teaming up with our sister-organisation – Africa Soft Power (ASP) – for our first ever live summit in Kigali in May, to speaking at the FIPP World Media Congress in Portugal, and discussing key intersectional issues at the UN General Assembly, we have been blessed with many opportunities to spread AWB’s dialogue far and wide 💫

If 2022 can be allegorised in any way, it is as a microcosm for the wider footsteps that AWB has itself taken this year: we know that we have come a very long way in a short space of time, but also that there is still much work to be done in advancing gender equity, not only on the continent but around the world. 

We also know that we could not have taken any of these steps without you. So from sponsors and partners, to speakers and delegates, and beyond to each and every individual in the AWB network, we want to say Thank-you!

For our part, Team AWB will now be turning its attention to next year and ASP’s flagship summit in Kigali, where this time around we’ll be hosting an entire day dedicated to a standalone women’s leadership event. 

In the meantime, we wish you continued holiday season joy, a very prosperous 2023, and look forward to what we can all achieve together in the new year! 🙏 

Warm regards,

The AWB Team


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AWB’s ‘About Her’ series features women and girls of African heritage globally doing exceptional things. Know anyone who fits this category? Tell us ABOUT HER